Use "ennoble|ennobled|ennobles|ennobling" in a sentence

1. Work should ennoble, not kill, the human spirit.

2. Ennoble a prime minister for distinguished service.

3. He is the son of a financier who had been ennobled.

4. “Certain forms of suffering, endured well, can actually be ennobling.

5. The Basilika (ennobled 1975 by Pope Paul VI.) St

6. Sacred ordinances amplify this ennobling philosophy of the family of God.

7. For, as one has well said: the horse Abases the base, ennobles the noble.

8. Synonyms for Canonizes include glorifies, deifies, enshrines, acclaims, aggrandizes, apotheosizes, dignifies, elevates, ennobles and enskies

9. Antonyms for Attaints include graces, dignifies, honors, honours, favors, favours, distinguishes, elevates, enhances and ennobles

10. 10 synonyms for Apotheosize: aggrandize, dignify, elevate, ennoble, exalt, glorify, magnify

11. By your surrender and prayer ennoble your body and perfect your soul.

12. Synonyms for Canonizing include glorifying, deifying, enshrining, acclaiming, aggrandizing, apotheosizing, dignifying, elevating, ennobling and enskying

13. Antonyms for Bastardizing include elevating, ennobling, uplifting, appreciating, cleaning, cleansing, improving, moralising, moralizing and praising

14. Modesty in thought, word, appearance, and behavior helps us obtain three empowering and ennobling blessings.

15. Synonyms for Apotheosizes include worships, glorifies, deifies, idolises, idolizes, lauds, aggrandizes, elevates, ennobles and idealises

16. Synonyms for Apotheosizing include worshipping, worshiping, glorifying, deifying, idolising, idolizing, lauding, aggrandizing, elevating and ennobling

17. The Smiths are a synopsis of pain, a resolution - awkwardness and alienation ennobled, given poise.

18. Antonyms for Cankered include elevated, ennobled, uplifted, aided, built, cleaned, cleansed, comforted, constructed and grew

19. Rather, it is a profound sense of reverential awe, respect in its most ennobling form.

20. Antonyms for Brutalize include clean, improve, purify, straighten, upgrade, elevate, praise, value, uplift and ennoble

21. Synonyms for Aggrandize include elevate, magnify, ennoble, exalt, canonise, canonize, deify, glorify, dignify and enshrine

22. Impact the values needed by leaders and managers to motivate, inspire and ennoble their people.

23. No, my young friend, the Virtues exist to ennoble us and make us fully human.

24. Synonyms for Apotheosize include worship, glorify, deify, idolise, idolize, laud, aggrandize, elevate, ennoble and idealise

25. The total effect of Aristofie's thought is to ennoble humanity and to increase personal responsibility.

26. Synonyms for Canonized include glorified, deified, enshrined, acclaimed, aggrandized, apotheosized, dignified, elevated, ennobled and enskied

27. The Smiths are a synopsis of pain, a resolution - awkwardness and alienation ennobled,(Sentence dictionary) given poise.

28. FitzGilbert was ennobled as the first Baron of Cadzow, and is the ancestor of the Dukes of Hamilton.

29. The study of the Bible will ennoble every thought, feeling, and aspiration as no other study can.

30. The Banneret is the model of the mounted, ennobled warrior, sharing a rare connection with his loyal steed

31. Sports can also ennoble our minds by bringing us close to nature and close to the essence of life.

32. Heroes walk alone but they become myths when they ennoble the lives and touch the hearts of all of us.

33. 27 It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. 

34. ‎A farther argument against ennobling foreigners, in answer to the two parts of the State anatomy: with a short account of the Anatomizer, Daniel Defoe

35. A farther argument against ennobling foreigners, in answer to the two parts of the State anatomy: with a short account of the Anatomizer Defoe, Dani…

36. In 1634, Jacob Bassevi von Treuenberg (born 1580 in Verona, Italy), the first ennobled Jew in the Habsburg monarchy, was buried on the Jewish cemetery in Mladá Boleslav.

37. The main difference between Courtly love as Andreas defined it and Courtly love as Chaucer knew it was the idea that love ennobled the lover -- made him a better knight.

38. ‘Aesthetically, unselfconsciousness has often Apotheosized eros - the effortless pubescent grace of the Athenian youth ignited the pederastic swoon of seemingly all Greek thought.’ Synonyms ennoble , exalt, elevate, lift up, add dignity to, dignify, add lustre to, add distinction to, …

39. Thus, the Complementarity between a man and a woman in covenantal marriage—a privileged image of God—is designed to increase the best of all forms of happiness among human beings: growth in the ennobling habits of the heart, in virtue, in …

40. By 1607, Buccleuch's kinsmen were being described (somewhat euphemistically) by the council as "oure goode and obedient subjectis of the name of Scott" and the ennobled Buccleuch was thanked for "his Bypast famous and honourable services The obligations of kinship and alliance within governance in the Scottish borders, 1528-1625

41. The surname DAnvers was first found in Norfolk where "this name, taken from the town of Anvers, was born by Roland D'Anvers, who came thence to the conquest of England.He was ancestor of the families of D'Anvers or Culworth, raised to the degree of baronets in 1642, of D'Anvers of Dantsey, ennobled under the title of Danby, and D'Anvers of Horley."